user agreement User Agreement

The User carries out online registration on (hereinafter referred to as "The Site") for the purpose of being able to cast votes in favor of the listed banks and to post comments /reviews on the Site. By registering on the User expresses their full voluntary consent with all the terms of the present Agreement and undertakes to comply with them or, otherwise, to stop using The Site.

HTML0 The User is entitled to:

  • to search for and post information to the Site to search and post information on the Site, as well as to transmit and receive information through the Site;
  • to make comments on information that is posted on the website from other Site users.

The User Consents To:

  • Never and under no circumstance to make a post any information on the Site or transmit through using the Site to any other users information which
    • is a source of incitement to hatred or enmity that is based on the basis of sexual, ethnic, racial discrimination based on religion, social, or other discrimination; inflicts a wretched insult on the dignity of human beings; includes threats or insults directed at other users or people, groups or social groups; violates those rights that are protected by minorities
    • is infringes on minors' rights by inflicting harm on them in any manner;
    • infringes the rights of third parties based on the results of intellectual activity and the methods of individualization, which includes copyright and other rights related to it;
    • is obtained by the User pursuant to an agreement to not disclose or is the state secret of the User;
    • includes personal information from individuals who have not given their consent to the User to this use of their personal information;
    • is offensive or defamatory or contains profane language or derivatives of it;
    • is pursuing commercial goals;
    • is a source of software viruses, or any other computer software designed to compromise the functionality of any telecommunications or computer equipment.
    • is not allowed to be published/distributed this way due to prohibition or limitation under the federal, state or local law, international law, or on other grounds.

The Editorial Board named:

  • without prior notice to a User to remove any information posted by a User on the Site or to limit access to the information in the event of its distribution being contrary to the terms of this Agreement;
  • refusing to sign up users without providing reasons behind the refusal.

The Editorial Board is entitled to alter at any time the terms and conditions of the current Agreement without notice to the user. If the User continues to use the services offered by the Site following the date of entry into force of the changes this means that the user confirms that they have ratified them.

The User accepts the fact that the Editorial Board is not responsible for any content posted on the site by the User, or sent by them to other users, or received by them from other users, and can not vouch for its legitimacy, credibility or faithful representation.

If a user posts information, publication of which is limited or restricted by local or international law, the complete responsibility for the placement of that information falls on the user who posted it.

This Agreement remains in force for a period of time until cancellation by the User, which is executed by sending a formal notification of the said cancellation in any format (from an email account that was that the User has registered upon the time of registration) or as otherwise required by law.